715-239-3709 | Mon -Thurs 10 am-5 pm, Fri & Sat: 10 am-2 pm publiclibrary@cornellpl.org

Support the Library

Friends & Volunteers


We welcome responsible individuals who would like to lend a hand at the library.

  • shelving books, DVD’s, CD’s, and replacing worn or dirty labels on media.
  • straightening up items on the shelves
  • helping visitors find the things they are seaching for
  • Volunteers with computer experience may be asked to help out at the circulation desk.

Any interested persons are welcome to give us a call or stop and see if volunteers are currently needed at the library.

Friends of the Library 

The Friends Group helps to raise money for a library projects of all sizes.

These can range from help with grants requiring community participation, purchasing books in some area of designated “need,” or minor renovations around the library itself.

  • bake and book sales
  • “Pepsi Wagon” barbecue stand at the local grocery store.

Contact the library for more information.

Donations to the Library

Book Donation

We have many people to thank for donations both of items that we put on our sale carts and also items that are added to our collection.

Stop in and fill a bag for two dollars!

All proceeds go back into the library towards the purchase of new items to add to our colleciton. 

Sometimes we don’t get the names of those donating items. Please know that we appreciate all the donations and THANK YOU so much! 

Memorial Monetary Donations

Donations can be made in memory of someone for the purchase of a book or books. Donations can also be made for future needs of the library. We are always finding areas of need within the library and our inventory.

In memory of…

Ted Ash
Gail Mittermeyer
Larry Rufledt
Jack Dudenhoefer
Edwin Kowalewski Jr.
Sue Jensen
Wayne Snow
Gene Kadlec
Larry Verhulst
Hermie Turany
Jane Hurlburt

Amazon Wishlist

You may want to check out our Amazon wish list if you would like to make a purchase yourself.

Monetary Donations

If you or your organization would like to make a monetary donation to the library or the “Friends of the Library” group, you can do so by contacting the library.

Continuing Donation

Over a number of years we have been receiving an ongoing donation on a monthly basis from several donors. 

The Library uses these donations to add new items to our collection in a variety of areas including Large Print Books, Adult Audio Books and any areas we designate as in need of additional items. 

We appreciate what they have done for us in helping to build our collection with current items our patrons request.