This is a collection of school photos in Cornell. Photos are available in the library “history cabinet” and also digitally for people to enjoy!

First school room in Cornell 1907

1908 School in Cornell

1908 – 1909 School in Cornell.

School 1909.

School Souvenir 1911

1912 School children in Cornell.

1914 High School in Cornell.

1915 High School in Cornell.

School Souvenir

Teachers 1915-1916.

Cornell Class Day 1915.

Cornell school girls 1923.

High School 1931.

Cornell High School 1931.

Cornell Elementary 1980’s – early 1990’s.

Cornell High School. Date unknown.

New Elementary School late 1990’s.

New Elementary School late 1990’s.

New Elementary School late 1990’s.

Elementary School being torn down in the 1996 to prepare for the new school.

Elementary School being torn down in the 1996 to prepare for the new school.

High School 2010.

High School 2010.

High School 2010.

Air view of the Cornell High School. Date unknown.