715-239-3709 | Mon -Thurs 10 am-5 pm, Fri & Sat: 10 am-2 pm publiclibrary@cornellpl.org
New Text Messaging Service

New Text Messaging Service

Heads up patrons! MORE just launched a new text messaging service! These text messages will come from this number: 844-218-6064.  If you have any questions or aren’t sure if you are signed up to receive text message reminders for the materials you checked out,...
New Library Hours!

New Library Hours!

We have some GREAT news! The Cornell Public Library will be open MORE HOURS every week! We’re so excited that we’ll be able to serve our community even better with our expanded hours. Beginning Monday, February 3rd, our doors will be open Monday-Thursday...
Books for the winter blues

Books for the winter blues

Christmas and the New Year’s celebrations are over. The kids are back to school and we’re all settling in for the rest of winter.  Us Wisconsinites know that the winter can get long, and sometimes we just need something new to keep us going until the sun...